Make Friday Green Again x Atelier Louis

I refuse to do Black Friday, because this day has no meaning! This year I am involved in the collective #makefridaygreenagain 🍃 with @faguo and more than 700 brands to offer an alternative to #blackfriday
As you know, I advocate reasoned and responsible consumption. I think it is possible to do a lot with little, by choosing quality products and favoring the short circuit.
Regarding my prices, they are fair. I don't want to get into a race for the lowest price. It is also impossible for me to offer discounts of 50% or 70% because that would amount to selling at a loss. I take the problem upside down and ask you this question. Do you really think you're getting a bargain when you buy an ultra-discounted item?
Black Friday creates a frenzy that is not conducive to sensible consumption.
Nearly 6 out of 10 French people see it as an incentive to buy products they don't really need. Overconsumption has a strong impact on the environment. While scientists are warning of the need to limit global warming to 1.5°C before 2030, restoring healthier consumption bases appears to be a priority.
By supporting Make Friday Green Again, I offer you an alternative to Black Friday by giving you the choice to consume in a healthier way: take the time to analyze our real needs, sort through our cupboards, repair, resell, systematically recycle what is no longer usable and consume what is necessary and without excess 🍃 💪